~~META: date created = 2008-06-26 11:45 &date modified = 2008-06-26 11:47 ~~ ====== Happy Birthday, Dokuwiki!! ====== This is my first post in English IIRC and it is for a good reason: [[doku>wiki:dokuwiki|Dokuwiki]], the fantastic engine that moves this blog turns four years old today. Following the [[http://www.splitbrain.org/blog/2008-06/26-dokuwiki_birthday_cake_post|meme blog]] from the Dokuwiki's creator, Andreas Gohr, I should post a cake and say how much I like Dokuwiki: Ok, I love it! How much? I run seven other sites including [[http://complex.if.uff.br|my research group site]], other about [[http://portal.if.uff.br|applets]] for teaching physics, the [[http://wiki.if.uff.br/operador|Sysadmin of the Physics Institute]] site and others about the courses that I delivered. I would like to say "Muito Obrigado" to Andreas and [[http://www.chimeric.de/|Chi]] who provides the Dokubrick theme that modified and made it worse than the original. My appreciation goes to all developers as well. Now, a cake randomly picked at GoogleImages {{:blog:entradas:debian-cake.png|}} I don't know why but I love this cake as much as I love Dokuwiki. {{tag>dokuwiki}} ~~LINKBACK~~ ~~DISCUSSION~~