O grupo de Sistemas Complexos excepcionalmente hoje, às 16 horas, apresenta o seminário “Introdução ao Processador Cell”, por André Máximo, da COPPE-UFRJ. O André colabora com a gente na montagem do cluster de Playstations 3 (já são nove ). O seminário é aberto ao público, no Instituto de Física da UFF, sala A5-01, às 16:00.
Introduction to Cell Processor
André de A. Maximo
The goal of this talk is to give an introduction to the CBEA (Cell Broadband Engine Architecture) technology from the joint project of Sony, IBM and Toshiba. The talk is based on the official documentation provided by Sony and the target architecture is the Playstation 3. The talk is divided in three parts: Firstly, a general overview of the architecture will be discussed, emphasizing on the SPEs (Synergistic Processor Element); Secondly, the SDK (Software Development Toolkit) will be introduced, explaining installation and configuration of the development environment; Finally, two examples will be given to illustrate the concepts learned on the first and second part. And one last example will use the MPI (Message Passing Interface) to paralelize a basic Cell program.
Apesar do resumo em inglês, o seminário será em português.