> #Date,Open,High,Low,Close,Volume,Adj Close > 2008-10-06,10322.52,10322.52,9503.10,9955.50,7956020000,9955.50 > 2008-10-03,10483.96,10844.69,10261.75,10325.38,6716120000,10325.38 > 2008-10-02,10825.54,10843.10,10368.08,10482.85,6285640000,10482.85 > 2008-10-01,10847.40,11022.06,10495.99,10831.07,5782130000,10831.07 set xdata time set timefmt "%Y-%m-%d" set format x"%Y-%m-%d" set xtics rotate by -45 set datafile separator "," plot 'data' using 1:2:4:3:5 with candlesticks notitle
<plot> set xdata time set timefmt ”%Y-%m-%d” set format x”%d-%m-%Y” set xtics rotate by -30 set datafile separator ”,” plot 'src:/dicas/dados-data.txt' using 1:2:4:3:5 with candlesticks notitle </plot>
binit(binmin,bin,x) = binmin+bin*(0.5+int((x-binmin)/bin)) isinside(binmin,x,binmax)=x<binmin|x>binmax? 0:1 plot 'data' using (binit(0.0,0.1,$1)):(isinside(0.0,$1,1.0)) \\ smooth frequency with step
it's a bit tricky to understand… I admit the key is to use the “smooth frequency” key from “help frequency”. The `frequency` option makes the data monotonic in x; points with the same x-value are replaced by a single point having the summed y-values. The resulting points are then connected by straight line segments.