I am associated professor at the Instituto de Física of the Universidade Federal Fluminense (IF-UFF for short), in Niterói, Rio de Janeiro state, Brazil. I am inclined to more fundamentals questions.
However for practical reasons, my research lies on practical questions, but related to the foundations of Quantum Mechanics.
Dissipation and Decoherence in Quantum Mechanics. The main features of quantum systems, such as entanglement, superposition and interference, may disappear when they are disturbed; there is a loss of coherence or decoherence. These effects may have important practical implications, as in building a quantum computer. On the other hand, decoherence may also be important in understanding fundamental aspects of quantum mechanics as the transitions from quantum to classical, and even in understanding the collapse of the wave function.
I am highly interested in supervising Master and Phd students in any of the areas above. Just send me a e-mail
Mestrado em Física, Universidade Estadual de Campinas-Unicamp, 07/2002 - 07/2004
Doutorado em Física, Universidade Estadual de Campinas-Unicamp, 07/2004 - 07/2008
Universidade Estadual de Campinas-Unicamp, 08/2008 - 12/2008
University of Southern California, 01/2009 - 02/2010
Endereço: Instituto de Física - UFF
Campus da Praia Vermelha
Av. Gal. Milton Tavares de Souza s/nº.
Gragoatá, Niterói, 24210-340, RJ.
e-mail: tro [at] if.uff.br
Sala: A5-06, andar P1 do prédio da Física
Tel: (21) 2629-5850